Monday, March 24, 2008

Golf Training For Success

Golf Training for Success

How does anyone become better at what they do?

Anyone knows that get to the top of your game you need practice and the more you want to succeed the more you will need to practice.

Vijay Singh has been known as the golfer who practices more than any other. He has stated that he might not be the most talented golfer in the world but his dedication to practice more often and longer than most others enabled him to succeed beyond the expectations of many people.

Vijay got to the top of his game by practicing from morning until night. Before tournaments here would be practicing for hours.

Michael Campbell won the US Open and in his early years when he was a youngster he would practice so much in his yard he would literally wear the clubs out and have to replace them for more practice.

The more you practice the higher the probability that you will naturally make the right moves without having to think about the actions you are taking. And the less you have to think about your stance, swing and so on, the more likely you are to hit the sweet spot more often and get the ball sailing through the air as though Tiger has just hit it.

Practice can be both cheap and convenient with driving ranges allowing you to hit a bucket full of golf balls to naturally program your mind and body to perform better once you hit the course in the weekend.

Here's the fun part - while your mates are watching television during the week you can sneak off to the driving range and sharpen your skills and then trounce them on the weekend and they will be none the wiser where your newfound skills have been honed.

Golf Technology

Golf Technology

There is a lot of technology that goes in to the development of many golf products, from the clubs to the golf balls, which have more technological input than any other type of sports ball.

Sometimes you wonder where it might end but there is a lot more exciting development yet to come.

Imagine never having to worry about losing your golf ball again, unless of course it lands in a water hazard. GPS tracking might be the next step to help you find your golf ball no matter where you might hit it. The technology is already there to embed devices into golf balls so they can be tracked via GPS.

There will be the inevitable increase in price but think of all the money that you could save by never losing a ball again. If you consider the number of balls that are recovered on golf courses each week that could add up to a substantial saving across the board.

As these devices become smaller and smaller their applications become more plausible with items such as balls that can be tracked. There would be a market for such a ball, and where there is a demand someone will certainly decide to supply it sooner or later.

With advances in club designs we might all be driving as far as the Pros of today helped by the constant development of balls that are easier to hit and travel further in the process.

There is one thing that will always make golf a continuous challenge that we will never fully master and that is the human factor. We can have all the best golf clubs, balls, shoes and more and still make a mess of the simplest shot.

And that is why so many people all around the world go out week after week and try to master the game.

Consistency Is The Key

Consistency is the Key

Putt To Win Click Here!

Consistency is the hardest part of golf. It is not possible for any human, Tiger Woods included, to hit the golf ball perfectly 100% of the time. What good golfers can do however is consistently hit the ball very well most of the time, and near perfectly quite a lot of the time.

It is this consistency that sets them apart and even those at the top of their game have days when they don't get their shots right enough of the time.

There is only one thing that can really help any golfer get that consistency and that is practice.

But there is another matter that needs to be addressed when talking about consistency and golf and that is - Consistently bad shots.

The more you do anything consistently the more it will become natural behavior and this applies to poor technique too.

The sooner you address poor golf techniques, the sooner you will be able to practice the correct methods that will replace them and make those actions second nature.

This is why it is recommended that everyone should get professional instruction before learning bad techniques that will need to be relearned at a later time.

I would even go to the extent of advising a newcomer to the sport to have lessons before ever attempting to play a round. Or alternatively, learn how to use one club well, probably the 7 iron, and play a whole round, or nine holes, using only the 7 iron and a putter.

I knew of one player who made dramatic improvements to his game by using this technique and he had been playing for years. He started playing golf with only the 7-iron and his putter, until he perfected his swing, and then introduced other clubs one at a time. After getting his swing right with the 7-iron, mastering the other clubs was relatively simple.

Here's to improving your game!

Happy swinging.


Putting Tips

Putting to Win? Click Here!

A Few Putting Tips

How often have you been frustratingly close to sinking a putt only to come up short?

Or maybe you have only just missed the hole to see your ball go sailing past adding too much distance for the return putt.

A lot of games have been lost on the putting green and in most instances it has been due to the wrong distance, rather than the direction of the ball.

Most beginners quickly get a feel for the direction the ball will travel, even on sloping greens. You've probably seen it yourself when a newcomer to the game places the ball within inches of the hole on a sloping green time and time again.

What you won't see quite so often is the ball stopping a few inches past the hole when they miss.

There are many factors that come into account when determining the distance a ball will travel on the green, from the slope, to the preparation of the green and whether it is wet and slow or dry and fast. It can make a huge difference depending on the time of the day with greens getting faster as they dry off in the afternoon sun.

So reading the distance of a putt is what you really need to concentrate on to get your ball to drop in that hole.

Once again it all comes back to practice and there is no better practice than on the day of the tournament in the conditions that you will be playing in.
Always take some time to have a few practice putts before you start play to 'dial in' your distance.

One thing you must always remember; the golf ball will never drop if it doesn't reach the hole. Sounds too obvious to even need mentioning doesn't it, but more often that not putts will come up short. Always aim for the back of the cup so that, provided you have your direction right, you are going to have a chance of making the putt.

Happy Putting

P.S. Check out Putting To Win Click Here!
