Saturday, November 20, 2010

Golf Tips - Golf Bags

Golf Bags – How To Determine What Bag Is Right For You

A high quality golf bag is an invaluable investment for the regular golfer. This is especially true if you enjoying walking the course and prefer not to use a cart. Besides, it is highly recommended to walk as often as possible when playing golf. And during your game, you want a golf bag that will be comfortable, yet durable.

Tour Bags

When shopping for a quality golf bag, there are several sizes for you to choose from. If you have ever watched a professional golf game on TV or in person, you will notice that the pros typically use giant leather tour bags. They are waterproof and equipped with large pockets that are able toc arry most anything a caddie may need during the game.

Needless to say, these bags are extremely heavy, some weighing over 50 pounds. Luckily for these players, they pay someone to carry their golf bags for them. Many Caddies get paid very well, with some even earning a percentage of their player's tournament wins.

Cart Bags

The average golfer like yourself will probably never need a 50 pound tour bag just to carry your clubs around the golf course on a beautiful Sunday afternoon. So the next size down that is more ideal for normal, everyday players is called a cart bag.

Cart bags are typically made of leather and nylon. They are also made to fit on a golf cart. On the other hand, cart bags are still a bit bulky and are best suited if you plan on driving the golf cart around all day. Personally, my favorite is the carry bag, as described below.

Carry Bags

Although cart bags are ideal, an even better solution for recreational
golfers are called carry bags. These golf bags are much smaller and weigh far less than a full-size bag such as the tour bag and cart bag. You will find that cart bags are able to carry all of your clubs, a few accessories, and of course your golf balls. However, there is little room for anything else.

Carry bags are available in a wide range of sizes, designs, and price. For children you can find these bags in smaller ¾ sizes. For adults who would like a little “extra”, you can pick up a deluxe model carry bag that has more pockets and a backpack strap which enables you to hold onto your bag using both shoulders – quite comfortable.

As far as prices are concerned, with carry bags, you get what you pay for --like any product for that matter. Low-quality bags can sell for $40-$50, however, cart bags in this price range do not have the most aesthetic appeal and are not very comfortable. Cheap carry bags such as this are fine if you only plan on playing golf once or twice per year. It would be a better choice to invest at least $100 into a high-quality carry bag.


Hit 'em straight




Christmas is coming, perhaps your favourite golfer is in need of a new golf bag?

Hope you enjoyed this tip

Fran Watson
P.S. Check out Mike Pederson's Power Golf Program Click Here!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Golf Tips - 4 Tips Every Golfer Should Abide By

Golf Tips - 4 Tips Every Golfer Should Abide By

Golf is all about giving yourself the absolute best opportunities to make shots onto the green. This is done by keeping the ball on the fairway, which means that accuracy should be one of the focal points of your game. You can increase your accuracy when playing golf by keeping in mind the following points:

1. No matter where your ball is, you should always be aiming for a target. Developing accuracy and playing with a strategic mindset means choosing a target to shoot at, even if you cannot see the hole.

By choosing a small target, such as an object or a location on the fairway, visualize the ball heading in that exact direction. This technique has been proven to help thousands of golfers to hit more accurate shots in line with their target.

2. Just because you are hitting the ball from the tee, that does not mean that the driver should be used each and every time. Yes, the driver will hit the ball the farthest, but it also has the least accuracy of every club in your bag. You may be facing a shot with a narrow fairway, or perhaps risking advanced hazards on each side of the fairway.

Either way, your driver may not be the best choice. Instead, consider using your woods, preferably a 3-wood or the 5-wood. You could even use an iron when hitting the ball from the tee if it is deemed necessary.

3. Learn to take your ego out of the game when necessary. Always take the safe shot if you are unsure of what strategy to use. Trying to be the golf hero of the day may ruin your score. Have the mindset to simply keep the ball on the green and finish the job with your putter.

4. Regardless of playing skill level, all golf players who have been involved in this sport for any amount of time have one thing in common: We all have a "lucky club". Beginner golfers may not have such an experience yet, but in time you will. We like to call it our "go to" club. It is the one club in our bag that we consistently hit the ball well with.

Always use your lucky club whenever you have a very important shot to make. Remember, different clubs are designed to hit the ball in different manners, but any club will work for any shot, most of the time. For example, even if your tee off is on a par-5 hole, but the shot absolutely must go well, and your lucky club is a 5-wood, then use it! Does the 9-iron do the trick for you every time, regardless of the circumstances? Use it!


Hit 'em straight


P.S.  Check out more tips here:

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Golf Tips

While slicing the ball is probably the most common flaw that beginner golfers have problems with, the second largest mistake made is called the hook. It is the exact opposite of the slice, but equally frustrating

A hook is the result of the ball hit with a low tee shot which goes straight for a while but all of a sudden makes a sharp left turn and gets buried in the woods, sunk in a water hole, or lands in the rough.

The Problem Is Simple

Golfers that are prone to making hook shots often have the clubface closed in relation to their swing path. This causes the ball to sidespin counterclockwise (when talking about right-handed golfers) and hooks the ball to left.

The issue is not hard to figure out, nor is it rocket science. It is just a matter of common physics. The clubface is simply closing in too soon which makes it point to the left of the target when impact occurs.

Check Your Body
If you have a problem with hooking the ball, you will soon discover that you are probably swinging with far too much hand and arm force, and not enough movement with the body.

Your problem which is causing your ball to end up hooking is because the clubhead gets warped into the closed position from all of your upper body movement and the hips never open up completely. This habit of closing your hips and having too much force from the arms and hands will almost always result in a hook. It is inevitable.

The problem may also lie within your grip. Often times, golf players who hook the ball tend to be using too strong of a grip. The clubface tends to be closed when impact occurs because there are more than three or so knuckles showing on the left hand at address. Reduce your grip and maneuver the hands so that only two knuckles are showing. This can help immensely and sometimes cures the issue immediately.

To your golfing success


Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Improve Your Golf Game

A Powerful New Way To Improve Your Golf Game!


You have probably heard this advice before, but it is worth repeating:

Every shot you hit a golf should have a goal behind it.

Your scorecard can only be improved by increasing your skills and
having an understanding of just how to properly prepare and push
yourself on every shot you make. You should be asking yourself:

What do I expect from this shot? What is a reasonable result?

Reasonable Goals To Better Your Score

The key to becoming a better golf player and lowering your score
is to totally avoid taking too many putt shots on the green.

Regardless of how well you can skyrocket the ball from your tee shot
and landing it on the green within regulations, if you take an
unacceptable amount of strokes to get the ball into the hole,
the opportunity to better your score has been wasted.

There is no excuse for this.

The Initial Goal

Do not confuse goals with expectations. An expectation is an
action that is reasonable and one that should happen every time
you decide on the outcome. A goal, on the other hand, is something
in which you are reaching high for, but may take a little time
to reach. Once reached, the goal can then become an expectation
through repetition.

The initial goal you should have in golf is to send the ball
into the hole within 36 putts or fewer, on an 18 hole course.

This means that you must hit two putts or less on every green.

This goal obviously becomes easier to achieve the closer you can
hit the ball to the green, but those times where it lands 30 to
50 feet away from the hole, you've got yourself a major feat to
accomplish. It's going to take extreme focus to make long putt
shots successful.

Make Every Putt Count

By accepting the challenge of this article to play every golf
game with the goal of 36 or fewer putts, you've taken a big
step towards improving yourself and your skill. However, do not
let this challenge get in the way of your confidence.

When facing a long putt, you may have the tendency to get lazy
and lose confidence in knowing that you could make the shot.
This may cause you to swing at the ball in a halfhearted matter
and quit your goal before even trying.

Too Much Confidence Can Hurt

Even if the shot appears to be too easy, the same negative outcome
may happen as well. You may have been very successful in getting
the ball close to the hole, but feel overly confident and attack
the ball with too much aggressiveness. Instead of staying focused,
your overconfidence and lack of concentration may cause an easy 2'
foot putt to completely miss the hole.


Hit 'em straight



Golf Products:

Golf Humor

Triangle Custom Clubs
PO Box 99742
Raleigh NC 27615


Yours for a better golf game!!!

Fran Watson

P.S.  Check out more tips here: