Tips to improve your back swing
The key to a natural back swing is to focus on your shoulders
turning back and letting your arms go back naturally. You shouldn’t worry about
your arms in a back swing too much. The
arms and hands job is to only hold onto the club and the body does the rest.
Something to keep in mind while approaching the ball is: turn the shoulders,
swing the arms, and cock the wrists. Then swing down and through the swing,
turn the hips, swing the arms down and un-cock the wrists. You want the arms
and golf club to start their movement back before the shoulders start turning.
The club head has a much longer distance to travel to the top of the back swing
then do the shoulders. If you start turning the shoulders with the club, hands
and arms you won't have anywhere for them to go once the shoulders have reached
their max turn. Once the club, hands and arms reached your knees (or so) then
it's time for the shoulders to catch up and start turning to the top. Keep the
left arm straight (right handed players) during the backswing and go back as
far as you can. Your tempo is dictated really by your personality, some people
are naturally slow movers so will have a slower tempo while others tend to move
faster. The important thing is to do what is most comfortable for you.
To your golfing success