Fran Watson presents some Tips to help improve your golf game no matter what level you are playing at the moment - beginner to pro can benefit.
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Golf Training
Golf Training for Success
How does anyone become better at what they do?
Anyone knows that get to the top of your game you need practice and the more you want to succeed the more you will need to practice.
Vijay Singh has been known as the golfer who practices more than any other. He has stated that he might not be the most talented golfer in the world but his dedication to practice more often and longer than most others enabled him to succeed beyond the expectations of many people.
Vijay got to the top of his game by practicing from morning until night. Before tournaments here would be practicing for hours.
Michael Campbell won the US Open and in his early years when he was a youngster he would practice so much in his yard he would literally wear the clubs out and have to replace them for more practice.
The more you practice the higher the probability that you will naturally make the right moves without having to think about the actions you are taking.
And the less you have to think about your stance, swing and so on, the more likely you are to hit the sweet spot more often and get the ball sailing through the air as though Tiger has just hit it.
Practice can be both cheap and convenient with driving ranges allowing you to hit a bucket full of golf balls to naturally program your mind and body to perform better once you hit the course in the weekend.
Here's the fun part - while your mates are watching television during the week you can sneak off to the driving range and sharpen your skills and then trounce them on the weekend and they will be none the wiser where your newfound skills have been honed.
To your golfing success
Friday, September 21, 2012
Golf Tips
Golf is good for you!
There’s no doubt about it that the game of golf is one that is massively popular all over the world. Golf is a low-impact sport that can provide participants of all ages not only a fun recreational activity but also some type of exercise. Golf is good for the body, it’s good for the mind, it’s good for social activities, and it’s good for business.
There has been a renewed interest in golf lately among the younger generations with the rise in popularity of golf phenomenon Tiger Woods. These days, golf is enjoyed by young and old alike. It gives fathers time to spend with sons and daughters, brothers with sisters, and friends with other friends.
The game of golf is played on both the amateur and professional levels with notoriety coming to good players locally and nationally. The professional golfers who are most famous are well-known world-wide, and often people strive to emulate them and their amazing play styles.
Of course, golf isn’t without its stressors. It’s nice to be out on the course when it’s a sunny spring day with a mild breeze, but it can be spoiled by bad shots, horrible lies, water hazards, and missed putts. You see, golf isn’t an exact science. There are many variables that go into a good golf swing, and it’s nearly impossible to perfect them all – all at the same time.
Even so, golf can become an obsession with some people as they strive to lower their scores and beat their friends. Millions of dollars is spent every year on golf lessons, magazines, how-to videos, and programs that purport to improve your golf swing and lower your score.
Golf equipment is also big business as clubs are always evolving with new technologies and equipment to build them. Big head drivers, graphite shafts, and other equipment advancements are touted as being the new best things in golf. They are advertised heavily and make claims that you just have to have these products if you want to play good golf.
If you’re not a golfer, you might wonder what’s so wonderful about this game. After all, taking a stick and hitting a little ball into a hole doesn’t sound like very much fun. But golf is challenging and involves much more than just physical ability. It requires thinking skills, deduction skills, and mental clarity. Because it’s nearly impossible to perfect a golf game, it’s a great way to challenge yourself as well as others.
We highly suggest you take up golf if you want a ways to meet new people, connect with old friends, and enjoy a fun, challenging activity. The golf course is also a great place to conduct business. There’s so much we can say about golf, but nothing extols the virtues of this sport like getting out on the links and just doing it! Happy golfing Fran
Monday, September 17, 2012
Getting The Most From Golf Lessons
Lessons at the local course aren’t as expensive as you might think and they are worth it because your game will improve rapidly and cause you less frustration, making the game much more enjoyable for you. Of utmost importance, is being honest about your game. The Pro will ask you what you want to start with; driving, chipping, putting or whatever you feel you need help with. Listen carefully and follow the instructions. You may have doubts if the Pro changes your stance, your grip or your swing; the Pro knows best. Don’t hesitate to ask questions. Don’t worry about if the question or concern in stupid-they’ve heard it all before and will not make you feel like an idiot for asking. If you don’t "get it", tell him/her that you’re not getting it. You should never walk away from a lesson with unanswered questions. You can concentrate on one thing during a lesson, or several. You might start with a lesson in driving; get the right grip, the right stance, the right swing, the right follow-through in one lesson, and then practice it. Next time, you might work on your short game, or putting. You’ve invested in the equipment, doesn’t it make sense to learn how to use them to their advantage and improve your abilities? Happy Golfing
Sunday, September 16, 2012
Add Variety To Your Practice
Many golfers practicing the same shots over and over again. That's Ok if it is an area that needs concentrated attention, and the more you practice a shot the better you will become at it. If you practice a shot enough you will virtually do it on autopilot when you get to the course, but you must also remember that variety will make you a better all round golfer.
The more techniques that you can master, the better you will be on competition day. You can do this by trying new techniques when you practice.
Observe the results you get when you use different clubs or try different techniques. Try adding some spin to the ball and see how this affects the flight. Use different types of golf balls to see whether your level of expertise has changed and allowed you to get more benefit from the different ball compressions.
You may even want to consider testing new golf clubs. As your game progresses, so will your need to change equipment accordingly. You won't want to be using the same clubs you had when you started playing and you will probably not want to be using the same golf balls either. Better equipment will allow you to make shots that weren't possible before, and practice will help get you to the next level where you can take advantage of this equipment.
Try adding more backspin to your shots and see if this helps position the ball better for the next shot and offer more control on faster courses. Your practice time should also be a time where you allow yourself the opportunity to experiment and try to broaden your game. Having the ability to add spin to the ball might be the difference between hitting a tree and landing on the green.
You can never learn too much in the game of golf.
To your golfing success