Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Improve Your Golf Game

A Powerful New Way To Improve Your Golf Game!


You have probably heard this advice before, but it is worth repeating:

Every shot you hit a golf should have a goal behind it.

Your scorecard can only be improved by increasing your skills and
having an understanding of just how to properly prepare and push
yourself on every shot you make. You should be asking yourself:

What do I expect from this shot? What is a reasonable result?

Reasonable Goals To Better Your Score

The key to becoming a better golf player and lowering your score
is to totally avoid taking too many putt shots on the green.

Regardless of how well you can skyrocket the ball from your tee shot
and landing it on the green within regulations, if you take an
unacceptable amount of strokes to get the ball into the hole,
the opportunity to better your score has been wasted.

There is no excuse for this.

The Initial Goal

Do not confuse goals with expectations. An expectation is an
action that is reasonable and one that should happen every time
you decide on the outcome. A goal, on the other hand, is something
in which you are reaching high for, but may take a little time
to reach. Once reached, the goal can then become an expectation
through repetition.

The initial goal you should have in golf is to send the ball
into the hole within 36 putts or fewer, on an 18 hole course.

This means that you must hit two putts or less on every green.

This goal obviously becomes easier to achieve the closer you can
hit the ball to the green, but those times where it lands 30 to
50 feet away from the hole, you've got yourself a major feat to
accomplish. It's going to take extreme focus to make long putt
shots successful.

Make Every Putt Count

By accepting the challenge of this article to play every golf
game with the goal of 36 or fewer putts, you've taken a big
step towards improving yourself and your skill. However, do not
let this challenge get in the way of your confidence.

When facing a long putt, you may have the tendency to get lazy
and lose confidence in knowing that you could make the shot.
This may cause you to swing at the ball in a halfhearted matter
and quit your goal before even trying.

Too Much Confidence Can Hurt

Even if the shot appears to be too easy, the same negative outcome
may happen as well. You may have been very successful in getting
the ball close to the hole, but feel overly confident and attack
the ball with too much aggressiveness. Instead of staying focused,
your overconfidence and lack of concentration may cause an easy 2'
foot putt to completely miss the hole.


Hit 'em straight



Golf Products:

Golf Humor

Triangle Custom Clubs
PO Box 99742
Raleigh NC 27615


Yours for a better golf game!!!

Fran Watson

P.S.  Check out more tips here: