Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Improving Your Golf Game

Your Own Personal Golf Pro at Every Game

Have you ever considered what the source of your problems might have been when you just finished a poor round of golf?

Many people will be surprised to know that most of their problems stemmed from the way they were holding their clubs.

You probably already know the situation I am about to describe. You hit a bad shot and then you tell yourself that the next shot has to be better to compensate and the pressure begins to grow.

Along with the increasing pressure is a tendency to grip the clubs too tightly. Tension has a tendency to make us do that, however, along with this tight grip we have on the club goes a corresponding loss of control.

The ball starts flying in all directions, and the tension builds ever more, until you look at your knuckles and they are white from the pressure.
If your clubs had to breathe you would have choked them by now.

I had a playing partner who had a simple list of instructions that he would read when his game started to fall apart and at the top of that list was 'don't strangle the clubs'

It's simple and we all know about it, but this visual reminder was all that it would take to get his game back on course and ensure that the tension wasn't there in the rest of his game.

This technique of having written guidelines was so powerful that several other people started using it. It was like having your own personal golf pro walking with you and giving you the necessary instructions when things started to go wrong.

Those words would allow him to focus on the next shot and release all the tension that would have otherwise crept into his game.

Try carrying your own list of 'game savers' around with you next time and don't hesitate to read them at the first sign your game might be falling apart.

It is an incredibly powerful technique.

Another powerful technique is having someone videotape you as you golf. Afterwards you can sit and analyze what went wrong or right with each shot you took. You can look at your stance, the way you held the clubs, the position of your head, and more. Why not try it? It might improve your game.

To your next birdie...

P.S. Click here to learn more

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Get a Grip On Your Game

Perhaps the title of this should be "get the 'Right Grip' and that means get one that is specifically correct for you.

You can't expect the grip on your golf club to be the optimum size for both you and someone else with bigger or smaller hands.

How can the grip on the golf clubs of a large man be the right size for both him and that tiny lady playing alongside him?

What is right for her will probably be too small for him and a grip that is too small will make him tend to hold the club too tightly. This can create a problem with the swing. Just changing the grip to a bigger one can alter a game dramatically.

Your hands are your link to the golf clubs and everything that goes on below that point. Your contact point with the clubs needs to be correct if you expect to play well.

Manufacturers offer a standard size to suit the majority of buyers, however, you need to go one step further and find a grip that will allow you to control the club comfortably without having to hold it so hard that your game suffers.

Get grips for your clubs that are not only suited in size but also in the type of materials used as this can determine how tightly you will hold them.

In addition to this, you need to warm up your wrists before play to ensure they are relaxed and ready for action. Performing a few simple warm up exercises of rolling your wrist while holding your club lightly will help to reduce the possibility of injury.

Get a grip - and have fun on the golf course.


P.S. Click here for more info

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Golf Equipment

Choosing The Right Golf Equipment

Buying golf equipment can be like dumping money into a money pit, but armed with some knowledge you can save time and money in selecting the right clubs for yourself. As with most things in life, you can spend a
lot or you can spend a little several times before you get what you really need.

Golf Clubs

When you are starting out and not completely sure you want to commit to this addictive game, you should either rent clubs at the golf course, or buy a starter set of clubs.

The advantage of buying a set of starter clubs is that you can become accustomed to them, which enables you to concentrate on your swing instead of wondering how the set of miss-matched clubs you just rented are going to work out.

As you become better at the game, you should think of investing in a better set of clubs, fitted to you.

Generally, a set includes a driver, one or two fairway woods, 4-9 irons, a wedge or two and perhaps a putter.

As you become more experienced, you may want to consider buying your driver separately. Some players want a driver to give them more accuracy; some need the distance.

Find The Right Senior Golf Clubs

When you are thinking about changing golf clubs to fit you better as you age, you want to look for golf clubs that will give you distance as well. You may want to have an iron that is custom made, a hybrid club or a clone wood. These are just a few different ideas when you are thinking about golf clubs. Although the clone clubs are slightly different from the original clubs, many golfers find that these clubs are more suited for their changing needs. Whether you need new irons, woods or drivers you can find some with just enough flex in the shaft that will help you gain more distance.

There are many manufacturers of senior golf clubs such as Calloway, Wedgewood, Adams and Nike. You need to choose a golf club that has enough flex in the shaft, but not too much. It will depend on your ability to swing the club as the amount of flex you need. The flex is what allows the golf club to bend as you swing and connect with the ball. You will choose from the ladies flex, senior flex, regular, stiff and extra stiff flex. If the flex of the shaft is not matched with your swing, you could miscalculate your swing.

Many golf course pro shops do have golf clubs with different flex shaft ratings that you can use out on the driving range. This allows the senior golf player to find the right club that will give you the distance. Before you buy a club, trying different shaft flexes will enable you to find the one you need without mistakenly buying the wrong one. You can also find a shop that custom makes golf clubs for senior golfers and have a set of clubs made especially to enhance your game.

Whether you buy an expensive senior golf club or a discounted club will not matter as long as you buy the right club with the right amount of flex. You do however need to buy something durable, this is where it pays to be critical with discount clubs. Just because the club gives you the distance might not mean it will be the best. Some discount clubs may loosen up as you use them more. This could cause the flex to become softer than what you need.

Senior golf players have more advantages today then what they had in the past. The clubs are designed more for their use and flexibility whereas golfers in the past usually only had a few club flexes to choose from as they gained more experience in the game. Finding the different golf clubs and understanding the best clubs will help your game. You can look at different websites under the manufacturers of the clubs to see what they offer and what the ratings are before you seek a pro shop to try the club on the greens.

What about the balls? Do they make a difference?

There are numerous balls available and the box will usually have a chart on the back and direct you to the right ball for your needs. As you learn the game and get better at it, you should experiment with different balls which could improve your accuracy or distance.

Having the right equipment is an important aspect of the game; buy wisely!

To your golfing success


P.S. Click here for more info

Monday, November 7, 2011

Christmas Gifts for Golfers

10 Golf Accessories Gift Ideas

Golf accessories make a wonderful gift for the golfer in your family or among your friends. There are so many different golf-related items that you can buy, it is never possible for somebody to have them all! This list will give you a sure way to provide something that will bring a smile to his face.

Of course, most golfers do have the basic equipment that they need, including clubs, golf shoes and a golf bag. You may have noticed that they often buy new clubs, even when you think they must have enough - but they will want to choose these themselves. So unless they tell you exactly which club to buy, it is best to think again.

Golfers are constantly needing more balls and tees so for a small gift, you might choose those. However, for something a little more imaginative, consult our list below.

1. Umbrella. Although he probably has a golf umbrella already, if you look closely at it some time you will probably find that it is torn or broken in some way, so you can get him a new one. He will probably appreciate a new umbrella that looks a lot like the one he has now.

2. Specialized golf gloves. These are a good gift if his current gloves are worn out. He may be very attached to them and take a while to get around to adopting the new ones, but worn gloves do not give such a good grip so you can be pretty sure he will switch soon.

3. Pinseeker (also called a scope or rangefinder). Point this gadget at the flag and it tells you the distance to the hole from where you are standing. This is useful for deciding which club to pick.

4. Digital scorekeeper - a special calculator for recording scores of up to 4 players as they go around the course.

5. A putting practice mat. These are for use in the house and they are very popular because they replicate the surface of the golf course much better than most floors or carpets.

6. If the golfer has a large backyard where he can practice, a chip and drive mat protects the lawn from damage and a driving net will catch the balls.

7. A ball dispenser or shagger. This speeds up practice sessions by dispensing balls.

8. Wristbands and elbow trainers. The aim of these is to develop strength in the right muscles for a cleaner, stronger swing.

9. Golf books. Many golfers love these, but it can be a mistake to give a book about improving the swing or other aspects of play unless you know that he wants it. Biographies of players that he admires can be a better choice, or the history of a famous course. Most golfers enjoy humorous golf books too.

10. DVDs of classic golf tournaments such as the Open. For older golfers, choose a DVD of a tournament from the 70s or 80s that they will remember, especially if the winner was a great player that they admired.

You can buy many golf accessories at your local golf course store but remember that nothing there will be new to him. It is often better to look for gifts online where you will find a much wider range of golf accessories.

Enter your search information in the Amazon search box and find the perfect Christmas gift for your golfer.

Merry Christmas


P.S. Click here for more info

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Golf Lessons

Getting the Most from Golf Lessons

It’s never easy asking for help, but in golf, it is almost a necessity. Unfortunately, we often ask our buddies and partners, when in reality we should take a lesson or two.

We think that a Pro would critique harshly, but they are honest, positive and very helpful.

Lessons at the local course aren’t as expensive as you might think and they are worth it because your game will improve rapidly and cause you less frustration,making the game much more enjoyable for you.

Of utmost importance, is being honest about your game. The Pro will ask you what you want to start with;driving, chipping, putting or whatever you feel you need help with.

Listen carefully and follow the instructions. You may have doubts if the Pro changes your stance, your grip or your swing; the Pro knows best.

Don’t hesitate to ask questions. Don’t worry about if the question or concern in stupid-they’ve heard it all before and will not make you feel like an idiot for asking. If you don’t "get it", tell him/her that you’re not getting it. You should never walk away from a lesson with unanswered questions.

You can concentrate on one thing during a lesson, or several. You might start with a lesson in driving; get the right grip, the right stance, the right swing, the right follow-through in one lesson, and then practice
it. Next time, you might work on your short game, or putting.

You’ve invested in the equipment, doesn’t it make sense to learn how to use them to their advantage and improve your abilities?

To improving your game

Fran Watson

P.S. For more help with your game click here.

Playing Golf is more than a mind game

What Makes You Think You Can Play Well?

Many people take up golf and think they can play well from the outset.

Although golf is a highly technical game that can take years to master,most people think they should be playing a lot better than they do in a short space of time.

We expect to play consistently well with little or no practice, which is very strange because we would never expect that from most other sports.

All sports require skill, and none more than golf where a top round needs consistently good play on many holes and being in the right state of mind to allow that to occur.

Beginners luck is precisely that and unfortunately it is unlikely to return to the golfer who doesn't put the time and the effort in to play regularly, practice regularly and learn from the professionals on the golf course and from the best books, DVD's and videos.

Taking shortcuts will land you in the bunker or the water and that is a fast way to put a damper on your game.

As with any sport, the better your performance, the more fun a round of golf will be, and the only way that will happen is by improving your levels of skill.

You may not be able to afford a personal pro, however there are other ways to obtain instructions from the best golf pros in the world. Much of this information is available relatively inexpensively. There are also various golf aids available to help improve your swing even when you can't get outdoors.

Check out the major online golf stores and see what they have available, you might be surprised to see the help you can get with very little money down.

Also consider getting some good tapes to help you with mind control as all things being equal, the person who has the top few inches of their head in the right place on competition day will always win.

To a lower score!

Fran Watson

P.S. Check this out